Saturday, August 10, 2024

Americans will pay the price: As war widens, US assets become easy targets


US economic and military interests across West Asia could come under direct fire as Israel's aggressions drag Washington into a region-wide escalation.

By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan
As noted previously by The Cradle, a World Bank study indicated that any tension in the region would directly impact energy prices, with the rate of increase varying according to the level of tension. This issue is particularly significant now, as US polls show that most voters prioritize the domestic economy.

For instance, a February Pew survey found that 73 percent of voters consider strengthening the economy a top priority. Consequently, Iran has the potential to influence American voter sentiment indirectly by affecting energy prices through actions involving the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

The likelihood of a regional war is becoming increasingly tangible due to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s persistent aggressive policies in Gaza and the broader region. This potential multi-front conflict could reach unprecedented levels, especially considering Iran’s perception that its very existence as an Islamic Republic is at stake.

In such a scenario, Tehran and other members of the Resistance Axis would likely deploy all available resources and strategies to defend their collective interests. And if US military forces or facilities become directly engaged, US interests – both military and economic – will be at the heart of the confrontation.

Deploying more US troops and assets into the region at such a critical juncture only broadens American target banks for the Axis.

~ Mohamed Sweidan is a strategic studies researcher, a writer for different media platforms, and the author of several studies in the field of international relations. Mohamed's main focus is on Russian affairs, Turkish politics, and the relationship between energy security and geopolitics.

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