Friday, December 08, 2023

South Korea launches first military recon satellite



By Choi, Sung-Hee (Jeju Island, South Korea)

On Dec. 4th, Hanhwa System, a South Korea arms company launched its military satellite in the South of Jeju. [This satellite will assist the US-NATO crazy preparations for war with China and North Korea.]

The launch platform was installed just 4 km from the coast. (You can just barely see the launch platform in this photo. See the actual launch video below.)

On the very day, we had an emergency cultural program in protest of the rocket launch in the spot where we could watch the view. About 30 of us watched the rocket being launched with shock and bitterness.

A Jeju local TV news reported the launch (from 2:26) as well as our protest. They interviewed me also and you can see me around 4:30 here.

The satellite was launched under the collaboration between the military, arms company and Jeju Island government.

It has become very obvious that if the Hanwha Space center is built just 10 min. from Gangjeong village (location of the long contested naval base), we will see more launches of military reconnaissance satellites in the sea of Jeju.

The next day, we had the press conference in protest of the rocket launch in front of the Jeju island government hall.

We have wondered if Jeju might be an aerospace war Island. It is happening now.

I think Jeju is becoming a test bed for the military-industrial complex. Now, many of my friends talk about militarization of space, civilian satellites for military networks of all domains. 

Now, it has become real for all of us.

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