Monday, December 11, 2023

Heartless headlines as war drags on


We are repeatedly instructed
that Washington
is exceptional.
And that Israel
is the only 'democracy'
in the region.

The notion
is that US-Israel 
are better
than the rest.
Seemingly more moral
and governed
by the
'rules based order'.
Or should I say

Gaza healthcare system
‘completely collapsed’.

Germany urges Israel to 
‘cause fewer civilian victims’,
so liberal of them. 
Just kill them a bit slower!
And out of view....
Netanyahu thanks Biden/Blinken
for more 
“important ammunition” 
and UNSC veto
that killed ceasefire resolution.

Israel using ‘heavier hand’ against 
Palestinian children since October 7,
an epidemic of cruelty now.
Destroying the next gen.
Another war crime.

Ancient Gaza mosque reduced to ruins,
built in fifth century, 
a Byzantine church, before it was restored by the Ayyubids. 
In 1260, destroyed by the Mongols 
and then rebuilt. 
At the end of that century, destroyed by an earthquake
but 300 years later, Ottomans restored it.
The Great Omari Mosque
one of the most prominent historical and religious landmarks in Gaza,
used to house traditional manuscripts and ancient parchments. 
Now destroyed,
it must rise again.
Israel trying to
erase history,
in order to make the case
that Jews always owned the land.
Cultural genocide.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)
says it must prevent 
further dissemination 
of images 
showing Palestinians detained in Gaza,
wearing nothing but underwear.
Global outrage over humiliating photos.
Israeli national security adviser says,
'there will be no further distribution of such images'.
Tel Aviv taking a PR beating,
of its own arrogant making.
Public opinion in six countries 
comprising the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) 
agrees that Israel is guilty of genocide.

There goes
the 'good neighbor' policy.

But says Netanyahu,
the end of the war is still a 'long way away'.
Plenty of time left
for total extermination.
Just wait
til the diseases kick in.
Behind the scenes
Biden/Blinken say,
take your time
and finish the job.
Let us know
if you need anything....
Gaza resident
22-year-old Alia Kassan says,
‘I am no longer scared of dying’.


Anonymous said...

Stop Gaza Genocide.
written by Mary Whitefeather

Bibi & Biden commit wholesale slaughter
World sits silent watching Live
Sadistic Evil barbaric genocide
no words can describe

Zionists murdered thousands of innocents
doctors,nurses,journalists, poets,
children, academics, and senior citizens.

Protests everywhere people in the streets
Elitists destroying our free speech
It's Time Now to speak up
we the people have had enough.
Good vs. evil battle is here
Have courage, show no fear
Humanity must demand the end
of the "Hannibal Directive"
which is clearly ineffective

As are the UN Geneva ICC
International Laws inactive
Genocide is inhumane
Devastation, Heartache, endless pain
Has Humanity gone completely insane?

Bruce K. Gagnon said...

Well said Mary