Monday, October 04, 2021

Space week action: Activists protest Aegis destroyer 'Christening' in Bath



Saturday, October 2 event in Bath, Maine.

Thirty people assembled - the police told a local newspaper reporter that we only had 15 people which was nearly about all that made it into the paper about the protest.

We only had a couple days to alert the public about the event as BIW increasingly is keeping these 'christening' events quiet and not open to the general public.

We'll be back again on Saturday, October 9 at BIW at 11:30 am for another Keep Space for Peace Week protest. 

We will continue to call for the conversion of this naval shipyard that builds destroyers. These offensive warships are currently being sent just off the shores of Russia and China in a provocative and dangerous effort to 'control and dominate' the world.

Our climate crisis and desire for true peace demands that we speak out loudly and repeatedly.


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