Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Full film coming soon



Join us starting October 15 at 3 pm PDT to view the award-winning film online and on October 17 at 5 pm PDT for a livestream event featuring Joan Baez, David Harris, Daniel Ellsberg, film director Judith Ehrlich and others. 

Click here for more info.


One of the largest and most effective youth-led nonviolent resistance movements in American history grew in opposition to the war in Vietnam.

Inspired by Black America’s crusade for civil rights, hundreds of thousands of young men openly refused to be drafted to fight a tragic war they considered unjust. Several thousand served time in federal prison for their resistance. Their individual acts of courage inspired a mass movement that ended the draft and helped end the war.

Directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Judith Ehrlich, The Boys Who Said NO! captures for the first time the story and impact of the historic draft resistance movement, inspiration for social movements today. 

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