Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Up to our eyeballs in bio-warfare



Francis Boyle says that COVID-19 is an offensive bioweapon. Boyle is an American human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.

Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act prohibiting U.S. development of biological warfare agents, explains how for decades the U.S. government and laboratories around the country have circumvented the law to illegally develop bioweapons; how Covid-19 was developed; and why the hastily produced vaccines will be illegal and most likely deadly.  

 See this amazing article in Vanity Fair about the vaccine production process at one laboratory.  The article is entitled The COVID Vaccines Are Approaching. Is the FDA Ready to Inspect the Plants Where They’re Made?: The agency’s Team Biologics inspects the facilities that make vaccines and blood products for U.S. patients. One whistleblower—and other insiders—paints a troubling picture of the daunting challenges the elite unit, made up of just 14 investigators, has faced in recent years. 

Click for the article here.

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