Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Advent vigils at BIW underway


Last Saturday 14 folks came to Bath Iron Works (BIW) for the first Advent season vigil at the Navy shipyard. 

We lined up along Washington Street for some time in front of the administration building and then walked single file down to the South gate where workers pour out at noon during a shift change.  At that point George began handing out flyers to those who would take them.

The flyer in part said, "To prepare for peace [the arrival of the Christ child] means to disarm. It means to disarm our hearts so that we do not value comfort over compassion, progress over justice....We call for the conversion of BIW....Peace is ours when we recognize that all children, all people are as precious, as anticipated, as filled with potential, as worthy of love, as the child we await, the child born under the star."

The flyer was prepared by the organizers of the Advent season vigils - the Smilin' Trees Disarmament Farm (763-4062)

The vigils will continue on December 5, 12 and 19 from 11:30 to 12:30 on Washington St in Bath.  All are welcome to attend.

BIW builds Navy Aegis destroyers that are outfitted with so-called 'missile defense' interceptors that are key elements in Pentagon first-strike attack planning.  They would be used as the 'shield' to pick-off any retaliatory strikes after a US preemptive attack. These ships today are being used to encircle and provoke Russia and China.

Photos by retired BIW worker Peter Woodruff.  (Click on the photos for a better view)  


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