Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Update on $60 million corporate welfare bill status in Augusta

The General Dynamics $60 million corporate welfare bill now has been filed in Augusta as LD 1781.

Sponsored by Rep. Jennifer DeChant (Bath) and Cosponsored by Sen. Vitelli of Sagadahoc and Representatives: Epling of New Gloucester, Fredette of Newport, Speaker Gideon of Freeport, Golden of Lewiston, Pierce of Dresden and Senators: Jackson of Aroostook, Mason of Androscoggin and President Thibodeau of Waldo.

According to Taxation Committee staff the bill is not likely to appear before the committee for hearings before January 29.
A reporter has requested FOAA for all email correspondence between both bill sponsors (Rep. DeChant and Sen. Vitelli) and General Dynamics.  We should be hearing more on that within a week or so.

Please keep spreading the word as best you can.


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