Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Nazi's march in Ukraine

RT reports:

Thousands participated in a torchlight procession through Kiev on Monday night in honor of the 109th anniversary since the birth of Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) leader Stepan Bandera. The group collaborated with the Nazi Germany during the WWII and was responsible for mass killings of Jews and Poles.

Demonstrators carried flags of far right movements ‘Right Sector’ and Svoboda and banners reading "For the glory of heroes, for the future of children!"
These are the forces that the US is supporting in Ukraine today - and they are being set upon Russia with the US-NATO supplying offensive weapons, training and ultimate direction. 

The goal? Create chaos (Iraq/Libya/Syria style) on the Russian western border. Along Russia's eastern border is the North Korean crisis. Does Russia not have some reason for concern with US-NATO aggression?

Imagine the response from Washington if Moscow was setting up bases and arming terrorists along our Mexican and Canadian borders?  It's utter hypocrisy and the American people are generally kept ignorant about what our government is actually doing and they are kept quite distracted with tweets that misdirect our attention to the shell game going on before our very eyes.


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