Friday, March 05, 2010


Wind power is a big issue here in Maine. We have lots of wind on the scenic mountain tops and off-shore. Large wind power companies are wanting to build wind farms throughout the state and lately some environmentalists have been fighting to stop some of the proposed wind farms saying that they would destroy pristine natural places.

On March 18 there is going to be a wind power forum in Brunswick, Maine (at the Frontier Cafe - 7 pm) and I have been asked to moderate it. Speaking will be folks from both sides of the issue.

Former Maine Governor Angus King is now one of the leading proponents of off-shore wind power. Peter Woodruff is a BIW worker who wants to see the naval shipyard transition to building wind turbines. State Rep. Peter Kent is talking about the jobs that could be created working in the wind industry.

On the other side are Green Party members Jonathan Carter and Lynne Williams who oppose the big industrial wind farms and feel that communities are being shut out of the decision making process when it comes to deciding where wind turbines will be placed. Concerned citizen Joanne Moore feels that wind turbines are not so grand after all and can have serious impacts on health and peace of mind for those who live nearby the gigantic turbines.

It should be an interesting event. I will have to work hard to keep the forum moving in a positive direction and making sure everyone has a fair chance to speak their piece. In the end the public has much to learn and hopefully the event will give us all much to think about afterward.

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