Thursday, March 04, 2010


Last night we saw the first school board in Maine (MSAD #74 serving Solon, Embden, Anson and New Portland) pass a resolution to Bring our War $$ Home by a vote of 9-4. This is a big step forward that could possibly open opportunities to other school boards in the state taking the same action.

On top of that we now have 17 members of the state legislature that have signed a letter to our two members of Congress from Maine asking them to vote against further war funding. See that here

1960's icon Angela Davis spoke at nearby Bowdoin College last night so I handed out war $$ leaflets in the crowd. Lots of "I used to be active in the 60's" type folks there. What they are doing these days remains a mystery but at least for one night they got a leaflet and listened to a person speak who remains a strong radical. Davis is a good role model for them.

It was our goal here in Maine to make the war $$ issue come alive in local communities across the state. That is happening now as people are finding ways to take our concerns into many different corners of Maine. It is really exciting to see so many things happening and to know that many people are hearing about Bring Our War $$ Home.

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