- I've got a month of neglected administrative work to catch up on. Today I worked on the Global Network database, email list, made bank deposit, paid bills, returned phone calls, and began final work on Keep Space for Peace Week. In addition I needed to spend some more time to keep our Maine Peace Walk (Oct 9-24) in motion which begins near the end of space week. Plus I set in motion my next taping of This Issue public access TV show. So lots of balls in the air were juggled today.
- There is an interesting (and fundamental) debate going on beween some nuclear abolition folks lately. There appears to be some reluctance by some activists to acknowledge that as long as the US is militarily surrounding Russia and China with an expanding NATO, deploying missile defense systems, Prompt Global Strike systems, the Pentagon's new 'military space plane, and more military bases near Russia and China that the chances of serious negotiations to get rid of nukes is a virtual impossibility. Some activists just keep plunging ahead calling for abolition but seemingly oblivious to the real obstacles that are blocking negotiations for disarmament. Russia and China have been clearly saying for several years that nuke treaty negotiations are OFF as long as the US-NATO keep up their aggressive moves. It's like folks don't want to see the writing on the wall and its in neon letters!
- So after reading another round of emails tonight where some activists are going back and forth on this I sent the following message:
Should we not consider the reasons why some nuclear abolitionists wish to avoid naming the real
culprits (US-NATO) in Ukraine? [Which is causing a new cold war between Washington-London-Brussels-Bonn and Moscow.]
Take your pick:
1) Timidity
2) Fear of being Putinized
3) Fear of losing influence with Democrats (or ruling elites in various
4) Fear of money chain interruption
5) Fear of losing members
6) Fear of losing job
7) Fear of fear itself
8) Afraid to mention the words “missile defense”
9) Most, or all, of the above
The cure? A trip to the Wizard of Oz.
- Sometimes you just have to say what is in your heart and let your conception of truth speak for itself.
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