Friday, May 03, 2024

UAW leader denounces student arrests




Cops at UCLA attacked encampment

A couple nights ago LA cops stood back and watched as hundreds of zionists attacked the UCLA student camp with fireworks, bottles, sticks, pepper spray and beat many students.  25 students were taken to the hospital after these attacks.

Then the next night the cops themselves attacked.

Los Angeles has the largest Israeli population in the U.S. 

Pressure on the U.S. from Israel and AIPAC has led to this scandalous national strategy to destroy the peaceful, non-violent effort by thousands of students across the nation who have been exercising their democratic rights of free speech and free assembly.

Well over 2,400 students have been arrested nationwide so far and the number grows by the day.

It goes to show the power of the Israeli lobby inside this country.

It also reveals the fascistic nature of the government we now have at the national, state and local levels.

This is not the time to remain silent as an ever so out-of-control police state will harm every level of society. 

Our right to speak freely and publicly assemble is in grave danger.

To think you and your family can safely escape the impact of this crucial moment is a profound mis-reading of our current history.


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