Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Washington does not give a damn about Israeli crimes


The US State Department says a photo of an Israeli soldier standing over a stripped and wounded Palestinian in Gaza is 'deeply troubling'. 

I don't believe the State Department gives a damn about torture of Palestinian prisoners or the people who are being slaughtered by Israel.

Washington mouths a good game of concern but they have never taken any correct moral/legal step since this war began to restrain Israel. They do nothing to stop the genocidal bombing of Gaza (schools, hospitals, homes, etc) nor do they do anything to force Israel to allow unrestricted humanitarian aid into the war zone.

When it came to the ICJ hearing all the US had to say was that South Africa's case had 'no merit'.

Just this week the US Congress is pressing to send another round of scarce taxpayer dollars to Israel for their war.

Fact are facts. Washington (and its EU allies) are 100% complicit in this genocide of Palestine. They should all be tried by the ICJ as well.

We should all insist on it.


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