Wednesday, September 01, 2021

History lesson: From baked beans to AI in Portland, Maine


Thomas Coreau, 72, has been working at B&M for nearly half a decade.

The B&M Baked Beans factory will stop production this year, bringing dramatic change to a building that has been a fixture of the Portland, Maine waterfront for more than a century.

B & M operations will be moved to the Midwest. Plans call for turning the 100-year-old waterfront factory site into an education and technology campus made of steel and glass.

Let's see, baked beans or artificial intelligence? I'll take the beans any day. 

AI to me indicates no jobs in the future. Robot world. Robots fighting wars. Robots don't need to be paid, they don't need health care or vacation pay. They also don't eat beans.

They call it progress....

See the Portland Press Herald story here

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