Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Clapton discusses life after 2 jabs


Eric Clapton is deeply saddened how people are turned against one another - and not able to communicate - about their feelings related to the Covid jab and other such issues.

He had a severe reaction after taking the two vaccines and now has trouble playing guitar. 

When he has spoken out even some in his own family told him to stop.

He says that one of the most important things to him in life is free speech. 

Facebook is starting to warn some users they might have seen 'extremist content' on the social media site. Screenshots shared on Twitter showed a notice asking 'Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?' And another that alerted users 'you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently.'

Indeed something big is going on. It seems as though it would be wise that we have an international public discussion about these various 'measures' that increasingly restrict freedom. Who is it that doesn't really want that kind of public education to happen?

After all, isn't that what 'democracy' is supposed to be about?

I'm old school I guess. I still believe humans should be able to talk with one another without either side demonizing the 'other'.

Yes, call me ancient history....


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