Wednesday, October 11, 2017

English Version of South Korean Anti-THAAD Film

English version of anti-THAAD 'missile defense' in South Korea documentary.

Last night South Korean peace activist Joyakgol arrived here in Bath to participate in our upcoming Maine Peace Walk.  He will be here for the full week and then will do a speaking tour in Boston, New Haven & Waterbury, CT and finally in New York City before returning home.

While in Maine Joyakgol will briefly speak before the film showing Oct 12 at the Frontier Cinema in Brunswick and then again on Oct 17 at the pot luck supper at the Brunswick Unitarian church.  He brought his guitar along and we will ask him to sing every chance we get.

Just days ago Joyakgol went to the US Army THAAD deployment site (at a former golf course near Seongju, South Korea) and climbed a mountain overlooking the site.  Here is a photo of him (on the left) along with Simone Curry and Sung-Hee Choi.

We are happy to have Joyakgol with us.  He has long been a key activist on Jeju Island working against the newly constructed Navy base that will be porting US warships including destroyers made at Bath Iron Works here in Maine.  It will be important for Mainers to hear directly from someone who can speak about how the Navy base in Gangjeong village has impacted that 500-year old fishing and farming village as well as the local environment.


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