Monday, November 07, 2016

The Work of Rob Shetterly

It was a surprise to get an email yesterday from our friend Pat Wheeler who lives on Deer Isle, Maine.  She sent photos along from an exhibition at the Reversing Falls Sanctuary in nearby Brooksville where Maine artist and activist Rob Shetterly was showing some of his work from the series called Americans Who Tell the Truth.

During the Iraq war Rob became so frustrated with the American 'shock and awe' attack that he had to find a positive way to express his outrage.  So he began painting Americans with words from each of them etched into the paintings.  He now has painted more than 200 portraits and tours the country speaking at churches, galleries and schools about the lessons he has learned from the portrait making process.

Rob began with famous people like Abe Lincoln and Mark Twain but as time went on he began to paint portraits of people who are actively engaged in various movements today.  Thus he helps carry these voices to the public around the nation and the world.

Rob recently joined the Maine Peace Walk on our last day from York to the Kittery Naval shipyard.

It was a real honor years ago when Rob asked if he could paint my portrait as part of his series.

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