Saturday, October 01, 2016

Washington Changes THAAD Deployment Site Plan

Message from South Korea:

In the morning of Sept. 30, the South Korea Ministry of National Defense notified that the ROK and US authorities decided the Lotte Skyhill golf club site for the deployment of the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) missile defense system.

The golf club site in Seongju is just next to Gimcheon and huge protests above all by the citizens of Seongju and Gimcheon and followers of Won Buddhism are expected.  The Won Buddhism has its sacred places close to the site.

The deployment of the THAAD in Korea is surely a hell gate which threatens peace in the Asia Pacific and World. 

Is it just coincident that tomorrow, Oct. 1 remembers the 73rd year of the ROK-US mutual defense treaty as well as the 70th National holiday for the Republic of Korea Armed Forces? 

As soon as the Ministry of National defense made a notice on it, it set up the wire-fence in front of its building area as if it is afraid of people's coming protests. 

THAAD should be withdrawn. Dangerous ROK-US-Japan war alliance should be stopped. Missile Defense (equals offense) should be stopped. 

Keep Space for Peace Week should be remembered!

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