Friday, January 01, 2016

What We Want in the New Year

Bad weather, in part due to most governments virtually ignoring climate change, is slapping us hard in the face.  I wrote Global Network board convener Dave Webb yesterday who lives up in Yorkshire, England about the floods there and he commented:  "Lots of problems with roads and rail blockages but we are out of the danger zone. Lots of horrible experiences for many people - usual problem of the government not funding proper flood defence even though they were warned about it all over and over. Seems like they preferred to spend the money on bombers and nuclear weapons!"

And there you have it - in the UK the big issue is a planned massive expenditure on Trident nuclear submarine replacement instead of dealing with human needs and physical infrastructure to protect the public from the coming storm brought on by climate change.  UK's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is working hard now to challenge Trident.

Here is the US there have been floods and bad tornadoes in recent days - particularly in parts of the nation where people generally laugh at the idea of climate change.  (In the south and midwest.) Maybe they won't laugh so hard now.  Wake up and smell the coffee!

So this will be my mantra as we dig into 2016.  I'll keep hammering away on the connection between militarism and climate change - the Pentagon has the largest carbon bootprint on spaceship Earth.  How can we afford to keep wasting our meager resources on more war when our Mother Earth's body is in toxic shock?

I send my heartfelt greetings to folks around the world who are visiting this blog.  I wish you and your loved ones peace, justice, and the strength and determination to keep moving forward.  What could be more important in our lifetime than to work for the betterment of all humankind?  What could be more important than taking good care of our fragile planet so that our relatives in nature (the things that fly, the things that crawl, the things that swim) can survive as well?

Best to all of you.  Drop me a line sometime and share your story please.

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