Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Speaking Truth to Militarized America

Russian President Putin tears apart US foreign policy

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about US foreign policy in an unscripted and open environment. Something Western leaders would be terrified of doing. He tears apart US foreign policy respectfully layer by layer, exposing Senator John McCain’s threats to him and to Russia, without once losing his cool or deflecting the questions put to him.

Posted by The People's Voice on Thursday, October 29, 2015

1 comment:

Ariel Ky said...

Putin makes a terrific point here about the U.S. no longer wanting allies, only vassals. And isn't that the perception of the North Koreans, who feel pushed to the extreme measure of testing nuclear weapons to warn off the U.S.? When the U.S. pushed S. Korea to build a military base at Gongjeon Island, despite continued protests of local residents, how could the North Koreans not take this as a threat? That military base brings nuclear submarines and destroyers in close range, and the U.S. is not shy about using military strength.