Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Magic of the Peace Walk in Livermore Falls

The group this morning as we began walking from Farmington to Livermore Falls - an 18 mile day
During our lunch break this local old timer, a WW II vet, came over and talked with us about the insanity of war

During a break just outside of Livermore Falls Veterans For Peace founding member Doug Rawlings rests and holds the VFP flag

Students from University of Maine-Farmington

We made it to Livermore Falls by about 4:00 pm - after our 8:30 am start this morning in Farmington.  Several students from the University of Maine-Farmington Amnesty International club joined us for the first nine miles.  They were strong walkers and helped carry our lead banner and signs.  It was good to have some fresh walkers as the regulars are all getting tired. Lots of sore feet and blisters are now appearing.

Last night we were all divided up to go to various homes for a shower and a bed.  Mary Beth and I went to a log cabin in the woods. Very wonderful hosts and a lovely old cabin.

Livermore Falls was the hardest town to find a place for us to stay.  As of just days ago we had nothing then thanks to an email out of the blue we heard from someone 'who knew someone in Livermore Falls' and I called them and asked if they could help us.  Just like that they agreed to host us in their big house and so here we are.  We've taken over the entire second floor and miraculously they have mattresses for each of us that have filled up three otherwise empty bedrooms.  Once again, the magic of the peace walk.

Our hosts made a huge salad for us and we've ordered five pizzas to round out our dinner.

In the morning we head to Lewiston where we will stay at an Episcopal Church for the night.  Some time tomorrow we will be joined by another Buddhist monk and a nun.  People come and go each day but as of right now we have 13 of us here in Livermore Falls.

Click here to see good walk coverage in popular Farmington media outlet.

Photos by Peter Woodruff and Nate Goldshlag

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