Thursday, January 06, 2011


In states across the country, elected officials and right-wing pundits are calling not just for cuts to wages and benefits in the name of austerity, but even proposing laws to undermine labor unions’ influence, and in fact, their very existence.

Democracy Now hosts a roundtable discussion with New York Times labor reporter Steven Greenhouse; Michael Zweig of the Center for Study of Working Class Life; and Art Levine of the Washington Monthly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Bruce,
We hope you & yours are well ! The pot-luck idea's a good one. John X, Bob & the crew down on the farm had a celebration recently (which we missed) But John Frank's having his usual early year get-together where I'm sure some stimulating conversation will take place. We'll keep on keeping on as I'm sure you & Mary Beth will keep doing ! Shalem .
Ron Zamora