Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Just one example of real aid being rejected by the U.S. military that now controls the airport in Haiti:

A Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cargo plane carrying 12 tons of medical equipment, including drugs, surgical supplies and two dialysis machines, was turned away three times from Port-au-Prince airport since Sunday night despite repeated assurances of its ability to land there. This 12-ton cargo was part of the contents of an earlier plane carrying a total of 40 tons of supplies that was blocked from landing on Sunday morning. Since January 14, MSF has had five planes diverted from the original destination of Port-au-Prince to the Dominican Republic. These planes carried a total of 85 tons of medical and relief supplies.

See the full article here

The attitude of the U.S. authorities toward Haiti is well illustrated by the following telegram which the U.S. Acting Secretary of the Navy sent on October 2, 1915, to Admiral Caperton, in charge of the forces in Haiti: "Whenever the Haitians wish, you may permit the election of a president to take place. The election of Dartiguenave is preferred by the U.S."

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