Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Dear President-Elect Obama:

We the undersigned, members and supporters of the Global Network, write to congratulate you on your recent election as President of the U.S. We want to help you in every way possible to promote peace around the world so that our national resources could be used for the tremendous needs we have here at home like health care, education, job creation, dealing with climate change and more.

We specifically write to urge you to reject the Bush administration plan to deploy "missile defense" interceptors in Poland and a Star Wars radar system in the Czech Republic. We know you are aware of Russia's deep concern that these deployments are really aimed at them in spite of Pentagon assurances they are only directed at Iran.

Respected U.S. scientists George Lewis and Ted Postol recently studied these proposed deployments and wrote an article called "The European missile defense folly" that was printed in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in the May/June issue of 2008. In their report Lewis and Postol state that, "Despite claims to the contrary by both Missile Defense Agency and State Department officials, the interceptors that Washington wants to deploy in Poland are fast enough to catch Russian ICBMs launched from locations west of the Ural Mountains toward the continental United States. The location of the interceptor site in Poland is ideal for this purpose."

Russia of course has responded that they will be forced to upgrade their offensive nuclear capability if these U.S. weapons are indeed deployed in Central Europe. The people of Poland and the Czech Republic are in large numbers opposed to their countries being used as U.S. bases and we understand that in recent days over 30 mayors from Czech towns near the proposed U.S. radar base wrote you urging the plan be scrapped.

Expanding U.S. military operations near Russia's borders will only help create a new Cold War and a new arms race that would eventually spread throughout Europe and beyond. Instead of this we hope you will work hard to make nuclear disarmament and a space weapons ban treaty (PAROS) top priorities.

In addition, we do not believe that any president should enact base agreements or treaties (such as these with Poland and the Czech Republic) without the constitutionally required approval of the Senate.

We look forward to hearing from you about how you intend to deal with this important issue. We wish you well and thank you for your attention to this matter of grave concern to us. We pledge to you that we will keep our eyes on the ball.

In peace,

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space

· Beth Adams (Greenfield, Massachusetts)
· Joshua Adams (Sacramento, California)
· Michael Adler (Gainesville, Florida)
· Bob Aegerter (Bellingham, Washington)
· Nick Albares (New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Carin Allen (Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts)
· Jim Allen (Lanett, Alabama)
· Pam Allison (Amarillo, Texas)
· Anthony Aman (Penobscot, Maine)
· John Amidon (Albany, New York)
· Dennis Apel, Guadalupe Catholic Worker (Guadalupe, California)
· Eli Arlen (Brunswick, Maine)
· Randy Atkins (Gainesville, Florida)
· Dick Atlee (Southwest Harbor, Maine)
· Debbie Atwood (Brunswick, Maine)
· Lorri Auer (Columbia, Missouri)
· Shajia Ayobi (West Sacramento, California)
· Clifton Bain, Action Coalition of Taos (Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico)
· Sheila Baker (Paso Robles, California)
· Norman Balabanian (Gainesville, Florida)
· Harry Baltzer (Huron, South Dakota)
· Russ Banner (Bradenton, Florida)
· Karen Barker, Lakes Region Peace & Justice Group (Laconia, New Hampshire)
· Jeanette Bauer (Ankeny, Iowa)
· Betty & Herb Bazur (Leesburg, Florida)
· Moses Beachy (Goshen, Indiana)
· Mavis Belisle (Dallas, Texas)
· Edith Bell, WILPF (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
· John Benson (Beaver Dams, New York)
· Joan Benz (Melvin, Iowa)
· Bea Bergen (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Anne Berner (Murphys, California)
· MJ Berry (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Lucille Bertuccio (Bloomington, Indiana)
· Jacqueline Betz (Waldo, Florida)
· Bob & Berta Beveridge (Seattle, Washington)
· Pam Beziat (Nashville, Tennessee)
· Sister Kathleen Bierne (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Jack Biesek (San Luis Obispo, California)
· Verna Birky (Goshen, Indiana)
· Pat Birnie, WILPF (Tucson, Arizona)
· William Boardman (Woodstock, Vermont)
· Leonard B. Bjorkman (Owego, New York)
· Tim Blanchette (Falmouth, Maine)
· Benay Blend, Stop the War Machine (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
· Rev. Bill Bliss (Bath, Maine)
· Maureen Block (Bath, Maine)
· Jerry Bloomer (Hot Springs, South Dakota)
· Sr. Pegge Boehm, PBVM (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Deetje Boler, WILPF (San Francisco, California)
· A. David Bos (Louisville, Kentucky)
· Ronald Bosch, MPH (Greenfield, Massachusetts)
· Jan Boudart (Chicago, Illinois)
· Grace Braley, WILPF (Portland, Maine)
· Ivan Braun (Bronx, New York)
· Cathy Brechtelsbauer (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
· Sally Breen, Peace Action Maine (Windham, Maine)
· Anne & Steve Bremser, High Desert Catholic Worker (Apple Valley, California)
· Kate Anne Brennan (Sunnyside, New York)
· Carol Brewster (Manchester, Maine)
· Lee Breyer (Ellenton, Florida)
· Stefani & Evan Bright (Placerville, California)
· Carol Brightman (Walpole, Maine)
· Thomas A. Brindley, Ph.D. (Huntsville, Alabama)
· Yosef Brody (New York, New York)
· Robin Brooks (Topsham, Maine)
· Melissa & Cort Brown (Dallas Center, Iowa)
· Ronald Brown (Longmont, Colorado)
· Hank Brussleback (Dixon, New Mexico)
· Ann Bryan (Asheville, North Carolina)
· Valerie Bryant (Winter Springs, Florida)
· John Buchanan (Ellenville, New York)
· Dave B. Buehrens (Crozet, Virginia)
· Bernice Bulgatz (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Clarence Burley (Paxton, Massachusetts)
· Dr. Vinie Burrows, Women for Racial and Economic Equality (New York, New York)
· Sherrie Burson (McLean, Virginia)
· Jack & Fay Bussell (Portland, Maine)
· Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation (Oakland, California)
· Jane Cadarette (North Andover, Massachusetts)
· Anna Maria Caldara (Bangor, Pennsylvania)
· Bob Campagna (Mt. Vernon, Iowa)
· Michael Canney (Alachua, Florida)
· Teri Maurer-Carter, WILPF (Wilmington, Delaware)
· Mark Scibilia-Carver (Trumansburg, New York)
· Elizabeth Case (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Lorri Case (Billings, Montana)
· Pete Cavanaugh (Portland, Maine)
· Sue Chase (Batesville, Virginia)
· Mary T. Chatlos (Provincetown, Massachusetts)
· Sushila Cherian (Punta Gorda, Florida)
· David W. Chipman, Ph.D. (Harpswell, Maine)
· Kathe Chipman, M.S. (Harpswell, Maine)
· Br. Walt Chura, Secular Franciscan Order (Albany, New York)
· Citizens Democracy Watch (Florence, Oregon)
· Lois Clark (South Bend, Indiana)
· Howard Classen (Watsonville, California)
· Richard & Rita Clement (Pittston, Maine)
· CODEPINK (Gainesville, Florida)
· Lil K. Cohen, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Peter G. Cohen (Santa Barbara, California)
· Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa, The Nuclear Resister (Tucson, Arizona)
· Dake Collins (Liberty, Maine)
· Judy Collins (Lanett, Alabama)
· David Colt (Harpswell, Maine)
· Stephen Conn (Point Roberts, Washington)
· Connecticut Valley Chapter of WILPF
· Joe Conroy (Woolwich, Maine)
· Rev. Bill Coop (Brunswick, Maine)
· Georgiann Cooper (Freeport, Maine)
· Tim Copeland (Biddeford, Maine)
· Kathy Corbera (Bronx, New York)
· Frank Cordaro, Phil Berrigan Catholic Worker House (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Robert S. Crandall, Bidwell Riverside Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Frances Crowe (Northampton, Massachusetts)
· Joanne Cvar (Waldport, Oregon)
· Cathey Cyrus (Woolwich, Maine)
· Frances & Vasili Czapp (Deford, Michigan)
· Katherine Czapp (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
· Phyllis Cole-Dai (Brookings, South Dakota)
· Donata Daml (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Gail Daneker (St. Paul, Minnesota)
· Larry Dansinger, Resources for Organizing and Social Change (Monroe, Maine)
· Walter Davin (St. Petersburg, Florida)
· Andy Davis, World Fellowship Center (Albany, New Hampshire)
· Linnie Davis (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Mary Davis, EcoPerspectives (Lexington, Kentucky)
· Mickey Davis, Students Beyond War (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Ava & Michael Delorenzo (Portland, Maine)
· Jesse DeLorenzo (Brooklyn, New York)
· Darien De Lu (Sacramento, California)
· Peter DeMott (Ithaca, New York)
· Isabel Denham (Yarmouth, Maine)
· Christine DeTroy, WILPF (Brunswick, Maine)
· David Diamond (Dover, New Hampshire)
· Barbara Dick (Corning, New York)
· Joan W. Drake, WILPF (Washington DC)
· Mary, Christian & Ron Drew-Bosch (Greenfield, Massachusetts)
· Louise Drlik (Montezuma, New Mexico)
· Madeline Duckles, WILPF (Berkeley, California)
· Terre Dunivant (San Luis Obispo, California)
· Jack Dunn (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Elihu Edelson, Veterans for Peace (Tyler, Texas)
· Marjorie Swann Edwin (Santa Cruz, California)
· Anthony & Elisabeth Ehrlich (Barberville, Florida)
· Paul Eichhorn (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
· Leonard Eiger, United Methodist Church Social Justice Ministry (Snoqualmie, Washington)
· Sylvia Eile, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Lynne H. Einig (East Greenwich, Rhode Island)
· El Dorado Peace & Justice Community (Placerville, California)
· Jenefer Ellingston, Green Party (Washington DC)
· Dan Ellis (Brunswick, Maine)
· Embudo Paz (Dixon, New Mexico)
· Ann F. Eno (Westford, Massachusetts)
· Mary Ernst (Falmouth, Massachusetts)
· Renee Espeland, Iowa Peace Network (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Margaret Esslinger (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
· Robert O. Epp (Henderson, Nebraska)
· Jodie Evans, CODEPINK Women for Peace (Los Angeles, California)
· Pamela Murphy Ewers (North Berwick, Maine)
· Clarence Falk (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
· Anne Ferrara (Brooksville, Maine)
· Walter Fircowycz (Houston, Mississippi)
· Candella Foley-Finchem (Glenwood, Iowa)
· Dee Finney (Dixon, New Mexico)
· Cynthia Knuth Fischer (West Chester, Pennsylvania)
· Richard Fischer (Bernard, Iowa)
· John J. Fisher, JustPeace Seminars (Goshen, Indiana)
· Ron Fisher, We The People Now (Falls Church, Virginia)
· Cynthia M. Fisk (Gloucester, Massachusetts)
· Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice
· Ananur Forma (Rockland, Maine)
· Henri André Fourroux III (New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Sandra H, Frank (Toledo, Ohio)
· David & Melissa Frans (Brunswick, Maine)
· Jim Freeman, Native Forest Network (Verona Island, Maine)
· Friday Peace Vigil – 18th year (Concord, Massachusetts)
· Stacey Fritz, No Nukes North (Fairbanks, Alaska)
· Tarah Frost (Sacramento, California)
· Michael Fuller (Windham, Maine)
· Thomas L. Fusco (Brunswick, Maine)
· Ms. Lee M. Gagnon (Walpole, Massachusetts)
· Peg Gallagher (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Rosemary Galli (New York, New York)
· Larry & Lenna Mae Gara (Wilmington, Ohio)
· Deborah J. Garretson, WILPF (Bloomington, Indiana)
· Lydia Garvey (Clinon, Oklahoma)
· Wendy Clarissa Geiger (Jacksonville, Florida)
· Paul George, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (Palo Alto, California)
· Mary Lou Geraets (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Ruth Geraets (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Matthew Gesner (Lawrence, Kansas)
· Paul S. Giaimo (Freeport, Illinois)
· Anne Gibbons (Bronx, New York)
· Carol Gilbert, O.P., Jonah House Community (Baltimore, Maryland)
· Starr C. Gilmartin (Trenton, Maine)
· Kathy Ging, M.A. (Eugene, Oregon)
· Filson Glanz (Durham, New Hampshire)
· Ted Glick (Bloomfield, New Jersey)
· Ernest Goitein (Atherton, California)
· Raelene Gold (Lake Forest Park, Washington)
· Pearl Goldsmith (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Claire Gosselin, WILPF (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Charity B. Gourley (Santa Barbara, California)
· Ellen Grady (Ithaca, New York)
· Bobbi Graff (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Joseph W. Grant (Lawrence, Kansas)
· Audley Green, WILPF (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Jeanne Green, CODEPINK (Taos, New Mexico)
· Michael Greenman, Citizens Intent on Reforming Corporate Accountability (Westerville, Ohio)
· Matthew Gregory (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Linda Griffith (Dixon, New Mexico)
· Steve Gude (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Chet Guinn (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Darlene Gutenkauf (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Barbara J. Haack (Newbury, Massachusetts)
· Kevin Haake (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Anne Hablas, Presentation Center (Fargo, North Dakota)
· Cath Haftings (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Elaine Hagedorn, CHM (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Jeanie Hagedorn, CHM (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Cynthia Hale (Corning, New York)
· Kevin & Maggie Hall (Dunedin, Florida)
· Jane Hanna (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
· Clare Hanrahan (Asheville, North Carolina)
· Amy Harlib (New York, New York)
· Mary McDonough Harren (Wichita, Kansas)
· Inez L. Harris (Yankton, South Dakota)
· Ruth M. Harris (Claremont, California)
· Norma J. F. Harrison (Berkeley, California)
· Louisa Hart (Brunswick, Maine)
· Alanna Hartzok, Earth Rights Institute (Fayetteville, Pennsylvania)
· Arielle P. Hawney (Olympia, Washington)
· Linda Haynes (Huntsville, Alabama)
· Aaron Hays (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
· Richard K. Heacock, Jr., Alaska IMPACT (Fairbanks, Alaska)
· Andy Heaslet (St Louis, Missouri)
· Suzanne Hedrick (Nobleboro, Maine)
· Meria Heller (Phoenix, Arizona)
· Dud Hendrick (Deer Isle, Maine)
· Assoc. Professor Jeff Heinle, South Dakota State University (Brookings, South Dakota)
· Valerie Heinonen, O.S.U., Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice & Peace (Long Island, New York)
· Stuart & Joann Henderson (Florence, Oregon)
· Dennis & Tina Henize (Cudjoe Key, Florida)
· Martha Hennessy (Weathersfield, Vermont)
· Jack Hereford (New Haven, Missouri)
· Tensie Hernandez, Guadalupe Catholic Worker (Guadalupe, California)
· Linda Hibbs, People for Peace (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
· Matt Hight (Biddeford, Maine)
· Nancy Hill (Stonington, Maine)
· Sue Hilton (Arcata, California)
· Amanda J. Hoag (Bath, Maine)
· Paul L. Hodel, Friends Peace & Social Outreach Committee (New Haven, Connecticut)
· Russell Hodin (San Luis Obispo, California)
· Bob Hoffman (Batesville, Virginia)
· Herbert J. Hoffman (Ogunquit, Maine)
· Matthew Hogan (Corning, New York)
· Connie Hogarth, Center for Social Action Manhattanville College (Purchase, New York)
· Julian C. Holmes (Wayne, Maine)
· Mary Ann Holtz (St. Petersburg, Florida)
· Rev. Mair Honan (Portland, Maine)
· Stephen P. Horn (Blair, Nebraska)
· Troy W. Horton (Birkenfeld, Oregon)
· Lynn Houston (Satellite Beach, Florida)
· Celeste McCollough Howard (Hillsboro, Oregon)
· Jackie Hudson, O.P. (Bremerton, Washington)
· Mary E. Hunt Ph.D., Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (Silver Spring, Maryland)
· Mary Ihli, Pax Christi (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
· Yoshiko Ikuta (Cleveland, Ohio)
· Conrad Irrgang (Spencer, Massachusetts)
· Island Peace & Justice (Deer Isle, Maine)
· Carolyn Trupti Israel, WILPF (Santa Cruz, California)
· Ithaca Catholic Worker (Ithaca, New York)
· Steve Jacobs (Columbia, Missouri)
· Lee Jankowski (Griggsville, Illinois)
· Fr. Emmett Jarrett, TSSF, St. Francis House (New London, Connecticut)
· Lawrence Jimenez (Los Angeles, California)
· Jennifer Joaquin (South Portland, Maine)
· Andrew Johnson (Silver Spring, Maryland)
· Sister Annrita Johnson (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Carol & Merle Johnson-Miller (Estherville, Iowa)
· Chadwick Johnson (Amherst, Massachusetts)
· Elizabeth Johnson (San Luis Obispo, California)
· Merle C. Johnson (Estherville, Iowa)
· Charlene Jones (Sacramento, California)
· Sally Jones, Peace Action New York (Staten Island, New York)
· Ava Jordan, WILPF (St. Louis, Missouri)
· Sr. Mary Jude Jun (St. Louis, Missouri)
· Olga Chyle Jung (Waterloo, Iowa)
· Thomas M. Juntti (Rapid City, South Dakota)
· Dexter Kamilewicz (Orr's Island, Maine)
· Leah R. Karpen (Asheville, North Carolina)
· Estelle H. Kattelson (New York, New York)
· Nona Keel (Burr, Nebraska)
· Marylia Kelley,Tri-Valley CAREs (Livermore, California)
· Rev. Stephen M. Kelly, S.J., Murray Jesuit Residence (Oakland California)
· Sister Verna Kelly (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Joanna Kennedy, BiNational Service of Prebyterian Church (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Dick Keough (Syracuse, New York)
· Randall Kezar (Kingston, New Hampshire)
· Linda Musmeci Kimball, Citizens for Peace & Justice (Oxford, Ohio)
· Delores Kincaide (Jemez Springs, New Mexico)
· Thomas Kircher (Biddeford, Maine)
· Gwyn Kirk (Oakland, California)
· Nicholas Kirkland (Monroe, Louisiana)
· Toby Klein (Sullivan, Maine)
· Max R. Knauer, III (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Norma J. Knigge (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
· Paige Knight, Hanford Watch (Portland, Oregon)
· Stephen Vincent Kobasa, Trident Information Network (New Haven, Connecticut)
· John Koeferl (New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Doret Kollerer (Occidental, California)
· Theresa P. Koenig (Tarzana, California)
· Coralie Koonce (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
· Maris Stella Korb, Presentation Peace & Justice Center (Fargo, North Dakota)
· Lee Kosow (Corning, New York)
· Jeanne Koster (Watertown, South Dakota)
· Sheri Kotowski (Dixon, New Mexico)
· Jeff Krall (Columbia, Missouri)
· David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (Santa Barbara, California)
· Lorraine Krofchok, Grandmothers for Peace International (Elk Grove, California)
· Judy Kugler (Marietta, Georgia)
· Miriam Kurland (Mansfield Center, Connecticut)
· Rev. Dr. Damon D. Laaker, Lutheran Metro Ministry (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Barbara & Raúl Laborde (Oakham, Massachusetts)
· Bill Laird (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Sister Denise Laffan, Nipponzan Myohoji-Atlanta Dojo (Atlanta, Georgia)
· Susan Lannen (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Steve Larrick (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Michael Lawton (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
· Isolt Lea (Gainesville, Florida)
· Nydia Leaf (New York, New York)
· Patricia A. Leahan, Peace & Justice Center (Las Vegas, New Mexico)
· Haeng Woo Lee (Princeton Junction, New Jersey)
· Katherine Gaffey Lehman (Sacramento, California)
· Jean Hays, WILPF (Fresno, California)
· Roger Leisner, Radio Free Maine (Augusta, Maine)
· William B. LeMosy (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Ilene Lerner (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
· David W Lewit, Alliance for Democracy (Boston, Massachusetts)
· John E. Lewis, Task Force Against Nuclear Weapons in Space (Traverse City, Michigan)
· Bob Lezer (Freeport, Maine)
· Phyllis Liddiard (Corning, New York)
· Francine Lindberg (El Prado, New Mexico)
· Irene Lipshin (Placerville, California)
· Kay Liss (Jefferson, Maine)
· Ivy Lobato (Belfast, Maine)
· Doris Loder, WILPF (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
· Loukie & Stan Lofchie (Brunswick, Maine)
· Yvonne Logan, WILPF (Webster Groves, Missouri)
· Matt Loosigian (Brunswick, Maine)
· Los Angeles Catholic Worker (Los Angeles, California)
· Bonnie Lounsbury (Auburn, Maine)
· Doug Love (Greenbelt, Maryland)
· Lewis Lubka (Fargo, North Dakota)
· Chris Lugo, Nashville Peace Coalition (Nashville, Tennessee)
· Carla L. Rael-Luhman (Portales, New Mexico)
· John W. Lynch (Daytona Beach Shores, Florida)
· Eric A. Lynn (Walpole, Massachusetts)
· Frances MacDonald (Old Orchard Beach, Maine)
· Kate MacKay (Georgetown, Maine)
· Maine Veterans for Peace, Chapter 001
· Emily Maloney (Santa Cruz, California)
· Colman Manning (South Paris, Maine)
· Alfred L. Marder, US Peace Council (New Haven, Connecticut)
· Ann Marina (Bonita Springs, Florida)
· Jonathan Mark, Flyby News (Wendell Depot, Massachusetts)
· Jerry Markatos, NC Democratic Party Executive Committee (Pittsboro, North Carolina)
· Ted Markow (Brunswick, Maine)
· Deb Marshall (Little Deer Isle, Maine)
· Patricia Mason (Gainesville, Florida)
· John B. Massen (San Francisco, California)
· Helyne May (Windham, Maine)
· Natasha Mayers (Whitefield, Maine)
· Noah Mayers (Brooklyn, New York)
· Siena Mayers (Lake Worth, Florida)
· Elizabeth McAlister, Jonah House Community (Baltimore, Maryland)
· Charlaine McAnany (Oak Park, Illinois)
· Patricia McCarron (North Andover, Massachusetts)
· Pastor Gary A. McCaslin, First Baptist Church (Painted Post, New York)
· Alex H. MacDonell (Union, New Jersey)
· Michael & Ande McCarthy, Blue Water Pax Christi (Port Huron, Michigan)
· David B. McCoy, Citizen Action (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
· Richard McDonald (Silver City, New Mexico)
· Betty McElhill (Los Osos, California)
· Kathleen McGee, Maine Toxics Action Coalition (Bowdoinham, Maine)
· Francis & Elaine McGillicuddy (Portland, Maine)
· Susan McInroy (Campbell, New York)
· Deb McIntyre (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
· David Meieran (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
· Jane Meisenbach (Harpswell, Maine)
· Sarah Melici (Red Bank, New Jersey)
· Dave Meserve (Arcata, California)
· Alice Meyer (Brunswick, Maine)
· Bernard Meyer (Olympia, Washington)
· Karl Meyer, Nashville Greenlands (Nashville, Tennessee)
· Sister Michelle Meyers (LeSueur, Minnesota)
· Carol Johnson-Miller (Estherville, Iowa)
· Virginia J. Miller, Department of Peace Initiative (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
· Henry Millstein (Novato, California)
· Gene Mirolli (Brooksville, Maine)
· Joann Monaco (Royal Palm Beach, Florida)
· Daniel Moore (New Castle, Delaware)
· Robert Morgan (Auburn, Maine)
· Claire Mortimer, PhD (Brooklin, Maine)
· Susan Mosely, WILPF (Wellington, Florida)
· Thomas A. Moss, North Alabama Peace Network (Huntsville, Alabama)
· Sha’an Mouliert, WILPF (Lyndonville, Vermont)
· Nancy Munger, WILPF (Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
· Luci Murphy, Gray Panthers of Metropolitan Washington (Washington DC)
· Mary Murphy (Woolwich, Maine)
· Michael Murphy (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Pat Murphy (Bradenton, Florida)
· Mallory Musser (Seattle, Washington)
· Allyson Nakasone (San Luis Obispo, California)
· Nebraska Green Party
· Sue Newlin (Deer Isle, Maine)
· Cheryl Niccoli (Santa Barbara, California)
· North Alabama Peace Network (Huntsville, Alabama)
· North Shore Coalition for Peace and Justice (Evanston, Illinois)
· North Suburban Peace Initiative (Evanston, Illinois)
· Nancy & David O'Byrne, Pax Christi Northeast Florida (St. Augustine, Florida)
· Matthew Ochalek (Erie, Pennsylvania)
· Maureen O'Connell (Boynton Beach, Florida)
· Colleen O'Doherty (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Jon Olsen (Jefferson, Maine)
· Andrew Olson (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Sister Kay O'Neil (LeSueur, Minnesota)
· Thomas Orne (Mankato, Minnesota)
· Janet Wallet-Ortiz (Silver City, New Mexico)
· James R. Palmer (Stetson, Maine)
· Will Park (Altamonte Springs, Florida)
· Jean Parker (Brunswick, Maine)
· Marjorie Parker (Carbondale, Illinois)
· Lewis E. Patrie, MD (Asheville, North Carolina)
· Patricia Patterson (Claremont, California)
· Don Paul New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Rosalie Tyler Paul (Georgetown, Maine)
· Sara Paulson (Port Chester, New York)
· Professor Terrence E. Paupp, International Association of Educators for World Peace (San Diego, California)
· Pax Christi Palm Beach (Boynton Beach, Florida)
· Pax Christi (Tampa Bay, Florida)
· Pax Christi (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Jewel Payne (Davis, California)
· Peace Action Maine (Portland Maine)
· Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois/Fellowship of Reconciliation
· Peninsula Peace & Justice (Blue Hill, Maine)
· Greg Perham (Florence, Massachusetts)
· Frances Petschek, WILPF (Ashland, Oregon)
· Gregory Phelan (Brunswick, Maine)
· Tina Phillips (Brunswick, Maine)
· Western N. C. Physicians for Social Responsibility (Asheville, North Carolina)
· Sister Madonna Pierret (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Judy Plank (Remsen, Iowa)
· LaVonne & Dwight Platt (Newton, Kansas)
· Ardeth Platte, O.P., Jonah House Community (Baltimore, Maryland)
· Laray Polk (Dallas, Texas)
· Diane L. Potter (Gardiner, Maine)
· Judi Poulson (Fairmont, Minnesota)
· Bonnie Preston (Blue Hill, Maine)
· Nancy Price, WILPF (Davis, California)
· Carolyn Prinster (Glenwood Springs, Colorado)
· Pat Prunty (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Lois Putzier (Tucson, Arizona)
· Rose Quirk (Waterloo, Iowa)
· Joyce Raby (Sarasota, Florida)
· Dorli Rainey (Seattle, Washington)
· Jovelino & Joan Ramos (Cranston, Rhode Island)
· Susan Ravitz (Easton, Pennsylvania)
· Doug Rawlings (Chesterville, Maine)
· Gertrude Reagan (Palo Alto, California)
· Phyllis Reames (Portland, Maine)
· Dennis Redmond, World Without Wars and Violence/USA (New York, New York)
· Barbara H. Reed, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Paul & Katja Rehm (South Westerlo, New York)
· Myra Remly (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· John Rensenbrink, US Green Party Int’l Committee (Topsham, Maine)
· Barbara Renton (Afton, New York)
· Rik Reynolds (Joyce, Washington)
· Kevin Rice (Indianola, Iowa)
· Charles Richardson (Hastings, Nebraska)
· Stephanie M. Riccobene (Washington DC)
· Linda M. Richards (Corvallis, Oregon)
· M. Johanna Rickl (Davenport, Iowa)
· Tim Rinne, Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Christine Roane (Springfield, Massachusetts)
· Peter & Judy Robbins (Sedgwick, Maine)
· Judith Rock (Sarasota, Florida)
· Lenore Rodah (South Pasadena, California)
· Mark Rogness (Forest City, Iowa)
· Marina Romanova (Ithaca, New York)
· Carol Rose (Woodside, California)
· Laura Roskos, WILPF (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO (Chicago, Illinois)
· June A. Rusten (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
· Edwin E. Salpeter (Ithaca, New York)
· Judy Salpeter (Berkeley, California)
· Judith Salzman (Tucson, Arizona)
· Mike & Jane Sandsmark (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Jane Sanford (Belfast, Maine)
· Franceso Sanfilippo (Portland, Maine)
· Kathryn Sawyer (Oakland, California)
· Susan Sayre (Irvine, California)
· Faye Scandrett, WILPF (University City, Missouri)
· Carolyn Scarr, Ecumenical Peace Institute (Berkeley, California)
· Sister Mary Schmuck, R.S.M. (Nazareth, Kentucky)
· Gladys Schmitz, S.S.N.D. (Mankato, Minnesota)
· Betty Schroeder, WILPF (Tucson, Arizona)
· June Schumacher (Burien, Washington)
· Mary Jane Schutzius, WILPF (Florissant, Missouri)
· Sister Josita Schwab (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Ellen Schwartz, WILPF (Sacramento, California)
· Liz Schwartz, Peace Action (Arroyo Seco, New Mexico)
· David Seaborg (Walnut Creek, California)
· Andy Sekara (San Francisco, California)
· Marian Shaaban, WILPF (Bloomington, Indiana)
· Enid Shames, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Mona Shaw, Des Moines Catholic Worker (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Tom Shea (Snoqualmie, Washington)
· Bonnie Shulman (Poland, Maine)
· Mark Siemens (Eugene, Oregon)
· Christine Sipula (Bloomington, Illinois)
· Elliott Skinner, People for Peace (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
· Alice Slater (New York, New York)
· Marcia Slatkin (Shoreham, New York)
· William H. Slavick, Pax Christi Maine (Portland, Maine)
· Robert M. Smith, Brandywine Peace Community (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania)
· Jean Snyder (Greenbelt, Maryland)
· Louise Lora Somlyo (Portland, Maine)
· Randa Solick, WILPF (Santa Cruz, California)
· Doris Soroko (Barrytown, New York)
· South Dakota Peace and Justice Center
· Jimmy Spearow, Ph.D. (Davis, California)
· Margaret Springer (Eugene, Oregon)
· Diana & Rudy Stauffer (Placerville, California)
· Paul Stein (New York, NY)
· Selma Sternlieb (Brunswick, Maine)
· John and Sheila Stewart (St. Petersburg, Florida)
· Roberta Stewart, Women In Black (Bandon, Oregon)
· R. Stoddard (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Elizabeth A. Streeter, Peace Action Maine (Portland, Maine)
· Tom Sturtevant, Veterans for Peace (Winthrop, Maine)
· JoAnn Sturzl (Dell Rapids, South Dakota)
· Lynn Goodman-Strauss, Mary House Catholic Worker (Austin, Texas)
· Mary Beth Sullivan, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (Bath, Maine)
· Bill Sulzman, Citizens for Peace in Space (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
· Rita Surdi (Las Vegas, New Mexico)
· David Swanson, After Downing Street (Virginia)
· Boryana A. Tacconi (Andover, Massachusetts)
· Gary Michael Tartakov (Amherst, Massachusetts)
· Rev. Arch B. Taylor, Jr., Presbyterian Church USA (Clarksville, Indiana)
· Bob Terpstra (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Sandy Thacker, WILPF (Berkeley, California)
· Frances Thomas (Somerset, Massachusetts)
· Patricia Thomas (Melbourne, Florida)
· Vince Thomas, GroWorks (Rock Island, Illinois)
· Mary Thompson (Placerville, California)
· Sally-Alice & Donald Thompson (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
· Russell Todd (Roslyn Heights, New York)
· Bill Towe, N.C. Peace Action (Cary, North Carolina)
· Vanson Tran (Waterman, Illinois)
· Gay Trachsel (Duluth, Minnesota)
· Helen Travis (Mineola, Iowa)
· Jacque Travis (Eugene, Oregon)
· Betty Traynor, WILPF (San Francisco, California)
· Anna Trevorrow (Portland, Maine)
· Zimya' A. Toms-Trend, Mother Courage Productions (Seattle, Washington)
· Elaine H. Troy, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Paul & Sue Troyano (New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Fran Truitt (Blue Hill, Maine)
· Edie Tschetter (Freeman, South Dakota)
· Gene Turner (Dewitt, New York)
· Upper Hudson Peace Action (Albany, New York)
· Carol Urner, WILPF (Portland, Oregon)
· Brother Gyoshu Utsumi, Nipponzan Myohoji-Atlanta Dojo (Atlanta, Georgia)
· Marge Van Cleef, Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania)
· Barbara & Hendrik van den Berg (Lincoln, Nebraska)
· Mary Claire Van der Horst, Wage Peace Inc. (Jacksonville, Florida)
· Wendy Vasquez (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Catherine Vatterott, WILPF (St. Ann, Missouri)
· Cary Vigneri (Omaha, Nebraska)
· David Vine, Department of Anthropology, American University (Washington DC)
· Estelle Voeller (Medford, Oregon)
· Georgii Ginzburg-Voskov (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
· Dan Wainberg (Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts)
· Karen Wainberg, Addams-Melman House (Bath, Maine)
· Laurie Wainberg (Portland, Maine)
· Mary Lu Walker (Corning, New York)
· Susan Walker (Lake Arrowhead, California)
· Andrea Walsh, World Fellowship Center (Albany, New Hampshire)
· Kenneth G. Walton (Fairfield, Iowa)
· Anne Wandrey (Grimes, Iowa)
· Rufus Wanning (Orland, Maine)
· Levi Wark (Bath, Maine)
· Kay Warren (Tucson, Arizona)
· Arline Warrence, WILPF (West Palm Beach, Florida)
· Bill Warrick, MD (Gainesville, Florida)
· Peter Menard-Warwick (Davis, California)
· Dixie Webb (Ankeny, Iowa)
· Rosalie Weiss (Delray Beach, Florida)
· Margaret N. Weitzmann (Potsdam, New York)
· Elaine Wells (Omaha, Nebraska)
· Wanda Wendt (Des Moines, Iowa)
· Barbara West (Arrowsic, Maine)
· Jerry Wharton (Tucson, Arizona)
· Joe Whiteman (Las Vegas, New Mexico)
· Don Whitmore, Third Millennium Foundation (Auburn, Washington)
· Bill Wickersham (Columbia, Missouri)
· Bill Wieland (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
· Leona Wieland (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
· Faith M. Willcox (Westport, Maine)
· Gail Williams (Liberty, Maine)
· Terri Williams, WILPF (Webster Groves, Missouri)
· Tracy Williams (Belfast, Maine)
· Leland Wilson (Gold Canyon, Arizona)
· Monica Wilson (Seattle, Washington)
· Olive Wilson (Primghar, Iowa)
· Winthrop-area People for Peace (Maine)
· Mike & Bonnie Wisniewski (West Covina, California)
· Rebecca J. Wolfe, Ph.D., UN Association of Metropolitan Seattle (Edmonds, Washington)
· Kristina Wolff (Farmington, Maine)
· Carol Wolman MD, New Broom Coalition (Mendocino, California)
· Women for Genuine Security (San Francisco Bay Area, California)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Anchorage, Alaska)
· Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (Berkeley/East Bay, California)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Boston, Massachusetts)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Santa Cruz, California)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (St. Louis, Missouri)
· Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (Wilmington, Delaware)
· Peter Woodruff (Arrowsic, Maine)
· World Rainforest Fund (Walnut Creek, California)
· Russell Wray, Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats (Hancock, Maine)
· Phyllis S. Yingling, WILPF (Catonsville, Maryland)
· Brother Martin Zatsick, Saint Mark Church (Lake Andes, South Dakota)

· Organizations listed with names for identification purposes

Cc: Sen. Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State-Designate)
Secretary Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense)
Sen. Carl Levin (Chair, Senate Armed Services Committee)
Rep. Ike Skelton (Chair, House Armed Services Committee)


no said...

Dear Blogger: I signed a post, commenting on the good work of those against the missile defense itiative but was accidentally placed on the thread: "MY HAND HURTS -- NATO IS BAD NEWS":
Any possibility of correcting?
Jaime Lagunez

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this extremely useful effort!

Jaime Lagunez
Frente Civico
Make TIAA-CREF Ethical