Monday, January 04, 2021




I’m sad that the virus
was likely created  
as a Bio-weapon,
first at
Ft. Mead, Maryland
bio-warfare lab
then sold to China,
where it probably escaped
in an accident.

I’m sad for all those who have died,
and all those around the globe
whose lives are so disrupted.

I’m sad how many are
living in poverty, fear, depression
and are
by the ruling oligarchs.

I’m sad
that capitalism
rules much of
the roost
and continues to destroy
our planetary home
with its greed, ego,
manipulation and devilry.

I’m sad that the future
generations live in fear
as they ponder a world
unimaginable just a
short time ago.

I’m sad the people
are divided against
each other
by the ruling elites.

Our humanity
is slipping thru
our frozen hearts & fingers.

Time to embrace our spirits - more than ever.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for your empathy. It is gratefully I know for all that life has brought each of us so very far from birth. That each of us yet still have a life story to tell, of so much more to choose.