Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Banned in Germany or Become 'Putinized'

(To get English subtitles just click on 'cc' in lower right-hand corner of the video)

Banned German satire "Die Anstalt" exposes double standards on Russia and Ukraine.

The scandal episode of the German political satire program 'Die Anstalt' about the media leaders' ties to lobby organisations and their use of enemy images in the Ukrainian conflict. The major German newspaper Zeit got an injunction against ZDF to prevent this episode of 'Die Anstalt' from being aired as it questions the impartiality of the publisher of Zeit.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Great Find Bruce, I copied it onto my blog thanks! Rick Mercer is a Canadian version of John Stewart, I wonder if any of that crowd has seen this? Maybe they would play it on their show?