
Thursday, November 29, 2012


Some more truth from former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

She speaks at the Kuala Lumpur Perdana Global Peace Foundation and the KL War Crimes Commission launch an inquiry into the facts and evidence of the events on that tragic day - 9/11.

McKinney got run out of office once and then got reelected. But Mr. Big and his gang got her the second time around and forced her out of office again.

She ran for president as Green Party candidate in 2008. At that time people would ask me who I was voting for....I would say the black woman.

McKinney, while in the House of Representatives, would have her staff call us and ask what they could do to help the Global Network in our fight to stop the launching of nuclear power into space.  She was the one and only politician to ever extend such a hand. 

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