
Thursday, November 29, 2012


It would be nice though if these activists also paid some buck naked visits to the offices of some leading Congressional Democrats and urged them to stop wasting $8 billion a month on the occupation of Afghanistan.

Taxing the rich is right on but that alone isn't going to fund social programs and pull the nation out of our fiscal death spiral.  We've also got to hit the trillion dollar a year Pentagon budget hard. 

The days of funding guns and butter are over.  It's either going to be guns or butter. 

Obama talks about getting out of Afghanistan by 2014 but has signed a deal with President Karzai to keep more than 10,000 U.S. Special Forces troops (and some unknown number of paid private "security" forces) there at least until 2024.  How much is that going to cost?

Those trying to save social progress are going to have to get alot more sophisticated with our demands real quick.

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