
Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Revolution in this moment?


I was surprised on Monday to hear on NPR (National Petroleum Radio) a speaker from Canada who was laying out an excellent analysis of corporate takeover of government. It's what Italy's WW2 fascist leader Mussolini defined as fascism - the 'wedding of corporations and government'.

I was cutting veggies for a pea soup I was making so needed some intellectual stimulation. During the recent national election campaign NPR was 24/7 in the Democratic party bag. It was a non-stop commercial for V-P Harris. I couldn't listen to it. So I thought I'd see what they were reporting these days.

Hearing this Canadian talk about how the 'investment community' has financialized the housing market was instructive. She gave a detailed description how the entire process works. She asked the question, 'What happens when we don't own land, a home or virtually anything else'? Increasingly most of the nations assets are locked inside of Wall Street accounts. People are sleeping in the streets. Jobs are scarce and don't pay enough to live on.What happens to us she smartly asked?

So of course my mind went to this question: 'Why would NPR be airing such a radical analysis'? We didn't hear this during the campaign when the network was doing promo for the Dems.

My guess at this moment is that the Dems are already positioning themselves for the next election. They are having their many public relations outlets begin to play up the middle class and poor people's laments. Even though the Dems ignored those voter segments during the campaign, they will now begin shifting their rhetoric toward these fast metastasizing domestic cancers.

But the Dems know that this won't hurt them with their many big fat corporate funders. They understand that their party will be in the minority in both Senate and House of Reps in Washington. So they can bitch and moan all they wish - similar to the way Sen. Bernie Sanders has done since the election without any consequences  He's calling for revolution again. No surprise. Sanders is a wobbly weather vane.

By the time of the next election things domestically and internationally will be far worse and the public will likely be in full agitation mode - that's if we are not in civil war by then.

Waiting in the wings (soon to be declared) are the handful of next Dems wishing to run for prez. They are sharpening their messages and the party will continue to work for the success of the Wall Street and deep state agenda. The Dems talking points will be infused with a bit of a 'rough edge' in the vain attempt to call-forth the disaffected masses into their duplicitous arms.

This is the CIA/Hollywood modus operandi of playing political Good-cop Bad-cop that America is so famous for. It's like an endless merry-go-round with painted horses and fair-ground music. You get off the ride and you've gone nowhere - and are always a bit dizzy. 

Dizzy making is the Dem party job. Confuse and distract the voters while the Repubs push thru the colonial corporate agenda.

Bottom line? This is neo-feudalism in the making. We have lots of superfluous populations. With AI and all the rest of tech-world's play toys, they don't need most of the 'useless eaters' as they prefer to call us.

Watch out for the Dems side-show distraction. Bernie is right that we need a revolution - yeah and soon. But we don't need Bernie or the Dems leading it. Nor the Repubs either.

We need a unified revolution that speaks for all the people and the natural world. Otherwise we are sunk.

The sooner we get going the better.


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