
Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Returning to General Dynamics (Saco, Maine) cold early morning


Seventeen of us from around the state (a few drove 3-4 hours) gathered at 7:00 am this morning with temperatures in the low-teens and a bit of wind. Most of us were slathered with layers of clothes. I had 4-6 layers depending on the body parts. It worked well except for my cold feet.

We beat the cops (they stayed low key the entire time) who likely got a call from management inside General Dynamics (GD) that we had come. They worry we will again block the entrance as we have done twice before. Once for about five hours. Neither time were arrests made. Theories why? Could be GD doesn't want the bad publicity or the courts in Maine are in crisis - overloaded with cases and not enough lawyers to defend the poor who are usually the ones getting arrested.

Nine activists held bloody white shrouds representing people in Gaza who have been genocided by the US-Israel-UK-German operation to help promote the goals of 'Greater Israel'. They walked down both sides of the two-lane road in front of the GD weapons plant that builds the targeting devices for the bombs that Biden (Blinken, Sullivan, Austin) send to the rampaging zionists.

The procession crossed the street after each pass, during their hour-long trek, at the lit crosswalk next to the school that sits opposite the bomb factory.

Lots of vehicles driving by had to stop when the shroud carriers crossed the street. Several yelled at the procession complaining that they were holding up traffic and/or angry that this action was happening by the school.

Many who passed by though during the two-hour event honked, flashed their car lights or waved. These protests have been going on virtually every week for several months and the community has now repeatedly seen our message opposing this 'campaign of terror' by the zionists.

Our sound system had a Middle Eastern oud playing during the entire time. The music really captured the solemnity.

We return to Saco GD again this Friday at 2:30 pm in time to greet the workers as they leave the bomb plant. 

On Thursday MB & I will be at our weekly vigil at noon in my hometown of Brunswick (in the heart of downtown) for an hour. 

On Saturday I will join the Gaza solidarity march in Lewiston starting from Kennedy Park at 2:00 pm.

So it is a busy week but it always feels so good to be taking our messages to the street. If you want to reach Americans just stand on a street corner with a sign and sooner or later they will drive by - including the rich, middle class, and those at the bottom of the barrel. (Even our crooked political leaders drive by on occasion.)


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