
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

US & British spy chiefs in defense of the Western-dominated world order


By Magyar Békekör (Hungary)

London, Sunday 8 September 2024

Bill Burns, the head of the CIA and Richard Moore, the head of the British intelligence service MI6, appeared together in public on Saturday and voiced their opinion that in order to protect the threatened global order, the West should lift all restrictive measures so that Ukraine can use all its weapons against Russia. The head of the CIA called Putin a bully, and Moore said that the West cannot be intimidated by the words of the Russian president, the correspondent of the Hungarian Community for Peace reported on Sunday.

Burns and Moore answered questions from the newspaper’s correspondent at the Financial Times Weekend Festival at London’s Kenwood House.

“There is no doubt that the international world order, the balanced system that has led to relative peace and stability and ensured rising standards of living, opportunities and prosperity, is in a state of danger that has not been seen since the Cold War,” says their joint statement, published in the columns of the Financial Times.

Neither in their written nor in their oral statements did they consider it important to address the question of why their governments deny Russia’s equal right to security and why the introduction of an order based on equal cooperation instead of the current confrontational world order would endanger Western civilization.

The two spy chiefs believed that in defeating Russia and bringing its allies under control, they could save the uni-polar world order dominated by the West from the threat from the East. “Putin cannot win, staying the course is more important than ever when it comes to supporting Ukraine,” was said.

They have expressed concern that China, Iran and North Korea are cooperating with Russia, with Iran supplying Russia with drones, China with parts for military equipment, and North Korea with artillery ammunition.

China has been described as the main intelligence and geopolitical challenge of the century.

The penetration of the Ukrainian forces into Russia was classified as a significant tactical achievement and a victory. Burns praised Kiev’s act of war because Putin thought it was only a matter of time before they would “grind down the Ukrainians and wear down their supporters” so he could dictate the terms. Moore admitted that it would be difficult to say how long the Ukrainians could stay on Russian territory.

The joint performance of Burns and Moore was also full of propaganda tricks. Among other things, they claimed that Putin is great in one thing: suppressing the Russians. Russian intelligence was also said to be carrying out acts of sabotage against European civilian objects because its desperation. (They did not elaborate on who blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.) With fear-inducing and unsettling statements, they tried to tune public opinion to serve the power goals of the Western elite.

Not a single comment was made about recommending to their governments to seek a compromise with Moscow and Beijing on the basis of equal cooperation and mutual benefits.

The director of the CIA and the head of MI6 made it clear that their only goal is to save the power hegemony of the West in the 21st century, which is why they work closely together.

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