
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Latest GN video: US-NATO space & space week events


We need your help more than ever

With Keep Space for Peace Week fast approaching (October 5-12) our Global Network board member Will Griffin has done another really fine job making his latest monthly space issue video for us.

It is entitled 'US/NATO Dangerous Alliances & Keep Space for Peace Week'.

With the current US-NATO expansion happening worldwide, seeking full spectrum dominance, we are viewing our Keep Space for Peace Week this year as the most important one since the Global Network was founded in 1992. The prospects for space-directed WW3 between the US-NATO (western colonialist bloc) and Russia, China and Iran are greater than ever.

Most of the global public has little to no understanding how space technology these days is in the driver’s seat of modern warfare. Thus we feel the enormous need to increase our efforts to help plant the seeds in the international public consciousness about keeping space for peace.

So we hope that you and others in your community will find ways to help us reach out to the people and sprout these crucial seeds during this extremely dangerous moment.

One thing you can immediately do is please share this video with your local contacts.

Thank you and best wishes to all.

Keep paddling,

GN Coordinator
PS At the end of space week (on October 13) we will hold a GN space issues webinar with speakers from around the world. More on that soon.

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