
Thursday, July 04, 2024

July 4: Nothing to cheer about here


Protest at US NSA spy base at Menwith Hill, UK


Nothing to cheer about here
The bombs still falling,
genocide on the rise,
fat-cat oligarchs and
run the show,
people don't know
what to do.
Corporate-owned media
don't let us see
the real stories
where blood is flowing
at the hands of Mr. Big's
Nothing to cheer about
as the people are fleeced
in order to run the 
'Great American empire'. 
Health care,
quality ed for all,
clean water & air,
peace in OUR time,
robust public transit,
end of capitalism,
no more fake

Courage is required
in order to demand
a real 
much needed
'American Independence'.
We still ain't got it.
1776 was just a transfer
of power from the British king
to the new American oligarchs
in Washington.
Hollywood and Madison Avenue
read us the scripts
written by the CIA.

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