
Wednesday, May 01, 2024

May 2 massacre: Telling the story in Odessa, Ukraine



Regis Tremblay interviews Bruce Gagnon in 2016 outside the Trades Union Hall is Odessa, Ukraine.

Just three days before they were part of an international delegation (along with Phil Wilayto) that stood with the mothers of those killed inside the building by Nazi death squads.

The Nazi Azov Battalion would not let the huge crowd supporting the mothers near the building to lay flowers.  

This video tells the sad and horrible story.


  1. We were fortunate to be there and to document the truth that has been kept from the American public.

  2. Yes Regis, as difficult as it was to witness the madness caused by the Nazis in Odessa it was one of my proudest moments to stand with the mothers and their many supporters from around the world.
