
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Space week report with photos & links


Darth Vader made a personal appearance at Bath Iron Works in Maine on last day of Keep Space 4 Peace Week....

Vigil in the English rain at US Air Force base Croughton near Oxford. The base is a major space warfare communications relay outpost. (They call if an RAF base but it is totally controlled by the US.)

Art Laffin (Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House) held a vigil in front of the White House in Washington and at the Pentagon during space week.

Merrimack Valley People for Peace at Raytheon space technology factory in Andover, Massachusetts

Protest on side of busy highway in Maryland just next to NSA HQ where they spy on the world. Same with next photo as well.

Reject Raytheon hits the streets of Asheville, North Carolina to say Keep Space for Peace. Raytheon is building an aircraft engine factory that the group has been opposing for the past year or so. Same with next photo.

Protest at Bath Iron Works in Maine during another Aegis destroyer 'christening' ceremony at the shipyard. The sign indicates that the 'missile defense interceptors' onboard these warships have proven to be effective as anti-satellite weapons (ASATS) during a 2008 test from an Aegis destroyer made at the shipyard. Called 'Operation Burnt Frost' the Navy fired the interceptor and knocked an aging US military satellite out of orbit.

Lisa Savage from Maine Natural Guard makes the deadly connections between climate crisis and the Pentagon's enormous carbon bootprint. See the full protest rally video of speakers here

Maine Artist Russell Wray reminds us that the Navy's sonar is known to be a regular killer of sea mammals. Russell makes beautiful wooden sculptures of whales and dolphins.

The Global Network's Space Alert! newspaper came out just in time for Keep Space for Peace Week. If you'd like to get one/or more copies just let us know and we'll mail it to you.   

A space 4 peace key chain arrived during the week from death row inmate and artist James P. Anderson at San Quentin prison in California.

We did five Zoom webinars and a podcast during space week. See below for info on them and links to most of them.

  • Podcast interview with Christian Sorensen (Air Force veteran and researcher on the military industrial complex). Christian is now on the Global Network's Advisory board. See podcast here
  • October 2 BIW 'christening' rally video here
  • October 2  Zoom webinar by Oxfordshire (UK) peace campaign here
  • October 3  GN Zoom webinar called 'Linking Militarized Space and Climate Crisis - Latest news from US & Europe' here
  • October 6 Zoom organized by Centre for Aviation and Space Laws on Kolkata, India. Workshop on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space with several Global Network speakers. Organized by new GN Advisory Board member Dr. Sandeepa Bhat here

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Bruce. The corporate press wants us to think resistance to war on Earth and in space, and the climate harms caused, is non-existent. Your report on Keep Space for Peace Week demonstrates how wrong they are. It is the essential nature of propaganda, directing attention away from facts that threaten the status quo. But look at all these people who know what the truth of the matter is.
