
Friday, October 15, 2021

Finally mainstream media admits the truth about Ukraine



Big western 'democracy' nations have been training the Nazi's in Ukraine.

The mainstream corporate media has finally admitted that the US, European Union members states, and Canada have been training Nazi-saluting fascists to fight Russian speaking citizens in Ukraine whose only crime is they live near the Russian border and speak Russian.

This is state-sponsored terrorism.

The Ottawa Citizen newspaper in Canada reports on new study done by American University. This is what many of us have been saying since the 2014 US orchestrated coup d'état in Kiev where Nazis were installed into prominent high level positions in the new government.

That government began waging war on the Donbass region of Ukraine - on the east side of the country.

If you'd like to see Obama's training program of the Nazi's in Ukraine by Army Special Forces from Fort Carson, Colorado click here

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