
Friday, August 29, 2014


  • I started bringing in some wood today because the temperatures are cooling off and I wanted to fill up the wood holders in the house.  Tonight I am going to sit out in the back yard with a fire going and I called MB and asked her to bring some beer on her way home from work.  Might as well start thinking and acting like I am on vacation.
  • The summer this year has gone by fast and has been much cooler than the past couple of years.  This summer felt more like the Maine summers we experienced after moving here in 2003.
  • I had a 90-minute massage today, my birthday present, finally getting around to doing it a month late.  During the massage I was seeing white light and thinking about how we don't use our brains to their fullest capacity.  I was imagining being in tune with the universal energy field.
  • Besides the blog hits I get from the US today's top source for blog hits was Ukraine.  Earlier in the week it was the Netherlands.  So in honor of Ukraine readers I thought I'd post a few tidbits from the Vineyard of the Saker:
The Ukies are losing, badly.  All the reports from Novorussian sources agree that the Ukie forces are either surrounded or in full retreat.  But Ukies sources also confirm this.  In Kiev, angry demonstrations by nationalists accuse the military high command of minimizing the real casualty figures, of having abandoned the forces fighting in the Donbass.  Even Oleg Liashko has stated that the Ukie forces have been "betrayed".  Demonstrations have taken place in from of the Ukie General Staff which many Right Sector [nationalist] protesters which are demanding the creation of a "generals battalion" which would be formed of only generals who would be sent to fight personally (an excellent idea, which I fully approve of!).  Others are also demanding the resignation of the Ukie Minister of Defense.  Ukrainian woman are regularly stopping military convoys on the roads, often by standing or lying down in front of trucks, to prevent their men from being sent to death.  Entire Ukie battalions are deserting from the front and Special Forces [Nazi's] are sent to stop them.  Apparently, the Ukie police is afraid to arrest the soldiers for desertion because of their large numbers. 

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