
Monday, December 30, 2013


The corporate oligarchy runs the US and significant parts of the world by using agencies like the NSA and the CIA to guide the propaganda and war machine.

Note the part near the end of the video about the NSA intercepting all computers that are sold on the commercial market and implanting chips in them so they can track all of us with every key stroke we make.  Over the top?

These guys inside the national security complex hate having the light of truth shined on them.  They are afraid at some point the public will turn on them - thus their naming of Snowden as a treasonous traitor and other such blarney.

The public is yawning as if awakening....we saw them respond well on the Syria issue.  We pray that the people will push back hard on these spying-surveillance issues while there is still a crack of light coming through the doorway.

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