
Monday, December 30, 2013


We had more snow last night and are running out of places to put it.  Next Thursday and Friday the weather report says we will get up to 16 inches more of snow.  That will be a nightmare.

The last couple years we didn't get much snow at all.  But climate change experts predict that some places will get more drought and other places will be wetter in the future.  The predictions are that Maine will be a wet place and this winter's snowfall could be a sign of the times.

We have five doors on our big house so we've got to keep them cleared with paths open to each.  In addition we need paths to the shed and to the wood piles and compost heap.  Then the stairs (in the photo above) need to be cleared off and the roof over those stairs must be raked clear of snow or else when it begins to melt we get massive ice dams that can destroy the roof line.  Once you pull down the snow from the roof the stairs and ground below have to be cleared again.  It's a big job and I'm not complaining - it's why I wanted to move to Maine.  I love the snow and it is good exercise.

This morning MB and I were out clearing snow and it took us just over an hour to move about 3-4 inches of new snow.  The workout saves us from having to pay for a membership at the local YMCA.

We hire a friend to plow our long driveway with his truck.  After that is done we have to go and reopen the paths to the back doors and to the shed and wood pile.

There is nothing better than sitting in front of the wood stove in the kitchen watching the beautiful snow come down.  Once it stops though the work begins in earnest.

1 comment:

  1. I thought 'snow' was a 4 letter word ! I grew up next door in New Brunswick, Canada and recall wild stories my dad would tell as he drove 250 miles on a Sunday to a double mission charge in Kent County 1957-1961. He had a photo of Rexton looking down from the plowed snow in town...onto the second floor. And of bending under power lines in the country...or occasionally walking over them when the drifts were right. But the Maniacs got even more snow than we did. I believe I recall Presque Isle getting an average of 12 1/2 feet per winter,
    Think that would satisfy your lust for heavy snow ?
    I've been shoveling almost strictly powder for years. Much better.
