Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Palestine solidarity protest in Wells, Maine on June 8


Our monthly protests (since February 2022) around Maine will continue on Saturday, June 8 with a visit to Wells in southern Maine at 1:30 pm.

Please join us as coastal highway U.S. 1 begins to swell with out-of-state visitors. Help us take the message of Palestine solidarity directly to the public.
No more money for the zionist war on Palestine! Stop the killing and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank!
No more money for war in Ukraine!
No more money for our next war on China using Taiwan as the proxy!
Bring our war $$$$ home and deal with healthcare needs, education, declining infrastructure across our nation and more!
We want peace - not endle$$ war!

Upcoming protests:

  • Wells (Rt 1 & Rt 9) on June 8 at 1:30 pm
  • Bath (Washington St at BIW) on July 27 9:00-11:00 am. Protest against another Aegis destroyer 'christening' 
  • Wiscasset (RT 1 across from Red's Eats at the bridge) on July 27 at 1:30 pm


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