Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon

Friday, September 01, 2023

We must stop the insane US-UK-NATO war on Russia



Five of us were at our weekly vigil yesterday in Brunswick. Mary Beth took the photo of Mark, Lisa and me. Rosie arrived just after the picture was taken.

The US-UK-NATO are telling Ukraine to keep throwing their declining number of soldiers against the Russian defenses in what was once eastern Ukraine. Now by popular vote much of this Russian-ethnic region called the Donbass is part of Russia again.

Estimates are that 400,000 Ukrainians have been killed and possibly the same number wounded. I noticed that days ago a 71 year old man (same age as me) had joined the desperate ranks of Kiev's army. Zelensky still has his 'recruiters' grabbing young men off the streets across Ukraine. (Unless they are rich boys.) They get 1-2 weeks training and are sent to the front lines where those in the know say they last a couple days if lucky.

Kiev's big military 'strategy' is presently being shifted to sending swarms of armed drones at mostly civilian targets in Moscow, Crimea and other Russian cities. They are pinprick attacks and have no impact on the war. 

Zelensky (who has raked in $400 million from the $$$ donated from the west) is routinely turning to terrorism because his army can't put up much of a fight anymore - despite what western corporate media reports.

Days ago drones were sent from the direction Estonia (very far from the war front) that hit a Russian military base near Pskov in northwestern Russia. There was some damage to planes. This base is located about 20 kilometers east of the Estonian border. Speculation (though not yet conclusive) was that the drones could have been fired from NATO member Estonia. If so that really means major escalation by the CIA-directed war.  

It has also been reported that Britain is being primed for the return of US nuclear weapons. US Air Force budget documents seen by the Federation of American Scientists outline that a $59 million “surety dormitory” to house 144 military personnel will be built at Lakenheath airbase in Suffolk. In US military and government speak, “surety” is a term used to refer to keeping nuclear weapons safe, secure, and under control.

It follows revelations last year that the nuclear storage bunkers at Lakenheath will be upgraded to house the B61-12, Washington's newest guided nuclear bomb, due for deployment to US/NATO bases in Europe this year.

In addition two squadrons of US-made F-35 jets capable of carrying out nuclear strikes will soon arrive at the US Lakenheath air base to replace F-15s already deployed there. These planes could carry the new B61-12 nuclear bombs.



So all the evidence points to the Neo-cons in Washington having no serious interest in peace. They want full-blown red-hot war with Russia.

We keep hearing from both war parties in Washington that they want the Ukrainians to keep dying on the battlefield - killing as many Russians as possible in order to 'weaken Russian resolve' and 'force regime change in Moscow'. 

But it is the US-UK-NATO that are losing this war and they know it. Thus their desperate Hail Mary attempts to send the drone swarms into Russia and now to expand their nuclear forces inside the six countries in Europe - England, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Turkey.

Meanwhile more of the taxes paid to your government are pissed down this insane rat hole while unemployment increases, healthcare collapses, homelessness is on steroids, people in Maui are neglected and Florida faces major recovery costs from the latest hurricane.

Our weekly Thursday vigil began in February 2022 in Brunswick, Maine. We've only missed a handful of weeks due to bad weather or other conflicts. We plan to keep going until this madness ends. 

Of course there is still the chance of another proxy war using Taiwan against China in a re-mix of Ukraine vs. Russia. How much longer will the public remain in la-la-la land swallowing the BS trotted out each day from the western governments?



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