Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Where do U.S. warships port in the Asia-Pacific?



By Will Griffin (Afghan & Iraq wars veteran and Global Network board member)

The Global Network's latest video focuses on the continuing struggle from Jeju Island, South Korea against the militarization of the island as well as US imperialism on the peninsula.

The Global Network was invited to hold our annual conference in Gangjeong Village in 2012. The village is where a naval base has been constructed, destroying fishing and farming lands which has been a fundamental source of life for the local villagers for hundreds of years. 

In addition a 2nd airport is being constructed in the name of tourism but will actually be used by the military's of both South Korea and the US, and many islanders see it has a continuation of the militarization of their home lands. The naval base and the 2nd Airport are being pushed forward in undemocratic ways where local villagers have not given their consent for such exploitation. 

Jeju's struggle is a perpetuation of foreign powers imposing militarization and imperialism onto the local people since the 1948 April 3rd Uprising and Massacre, where 30,000-60,000 people were killed and further dividing the Korean Peninsula.

The Global Network stands in solidarity with the people of Jeju and Korea who oppose militarization and stand for peace and justice.


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