
Monday, September 09, 2024

Save the date: Keep Space for Peace Week October 5-12


International week of events to stop the militarization of space

Each October the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week to bring attention to the need to stop the ever advancing militarization and nuclearization of space.
In 1989 Apollo astronaut (and moon walker) Edgar Mitchell spoke at one of our protests at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and said, 'One war in space will be the one and only. So much space debris would be created that we would not be able to get a rocket off the planet Earth. We'd be entombed to the planet forever. It would be like a mine field not allowing any rocket to get thru the debris field just over our heads'.
Today all war on Earth is directed from orbiting military satellites.
For many years China and Russia have gone to the United Nations seeking to create a new treaty to ban all weapons in space. (Close the door to the barn before the horse gets out.)

But the US and Israel have been blocking such treaty negotiations for more than 25 years. The US has long maintained, 'There is no problem, there are no weapons in space.' It was obvious that the US intended to develop 'control and domination' of space and didn't want any treaty limitations.
Help us during October 5-12 to illuminate this issue for the public who are now massively paying for the militarization of space - what the aerospace industry brags is the 'largest industrial project in human history'.
Check our web site for articles, videos, T-shirts and past events during Keep Space for Peace Week. Click this link



PS Please let us know of any plans you develop during space week.

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