
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Massive PFAS spill in Brunswick, Maine



A fire suppression system at Brunswick Landing malfunctioned yesterday spilling 1,600 gallons of PFAS-laced fire suppression foam. An unfortunate [fire fighter] had to wade through foam 5 feet deep to turn the system off. The spill will affect well water, the Androscoggin River, and runoff into Harpswell Cove.

Some have said Brunswick will now become the 21st century "Love Canal" as even trace amounts of PFAS are a health risk and long-term exposure has been shown to cause cancer. PFAS are even more dangerous for babies and young children as being exposed causes endrocrine disruptions than can affect their health and development for life.

This is the danger those of us who oppose bluShift Aerospace operating rocket tests and launches at Brunswick Landing have been warning local residents about. While bluShift claims its fuel is non-toxic, it ignores the toxic fire suppression system that is obligatory as rockets often explode.

Will [the Town of Brunswick] respond to the threat to the health and safety of its [residents] and workers?

Lisa Savage
Solon, Maine

~ See more on this story here and latest update here

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