
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trudell: 'We must understand that we are not each others enemy'



John Trudell spoke at the Black Hills Survival Gathering in 1980.

His writing and muusic, an outlet to which he turned in the wake of his family's deaths, brought awareness to global audiences who might not have been exposed to his life work.


I attended the Black Hills Survival Gathering held just outside the gates of the Ellsworth AFB B-52 bomber base in South Dakota.

My son Julian, born in December of 1980, was there as well in his moms womb. I know that he must have heard and felt the native drums, singing, and the other vibes from that incredible event.

I lived on the Ellsworth base (in the shadow of the Black Hills) while in 4th to 6th grades during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was there we learned to crawl under our school desks in preparation for a nuclear attack - which thanks to JFK never came.

Today it is sadly more likely that we will have nuclear war as the US-NATO are actively pushing it in their insane plan to take down Russia, China and Iran. 

If you are a regular on this blog, you will know I have great respect for John Trudell. Look into how his wife and kids were believed to have been killed by the FBI

In later years I learned that one of my good friends, Maine artist Russell Wray, was also at the 1980 Black Hills gathering as well. We must have crossed paths during those days there.

Because I grew up in a military family we frequently moved from air base to air base around the US, Germany and England. But South Dakota was my favorite place ever and I cried many tears when I learned that we were leaving this sacred place.

I've frequently returned to the Black Hills - my last time was with Julian in the spring of 2023. I wanted to make sure that he knew many of the special places I loved and heard my stories about the impact of living there on me.

I've long felt that John Trudell was a brother. He is in my heart.



This is my oldest poster that I got in 1980 at the survival gathering. I've carried it many miles over the  years - its getting worn out. It's a good time to put it on the blog so I will always have it. 

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