
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden slips again at NATO event



Biden goes off script again and mistakenly introduced Ukraine's Zelensky as "President Putin" before correcting himself at a NATO event on July 11 in Washington, D.C.

Growing numbers of Democrat party members in Congress are calling for Biden to resign because they fear his presence will negatively impact their own re-election. Big donors are increasingly calling for a change. Even some of Biden's campaign staff are warning that the air is going out of the balloon as Biden stumbles more each day.

My guess still remains that they will push Biden out just before or at the convention. Then they could also sweep the very unpopular Kamala Harris out as well. If Biden resigned now Harris would have to take over which would complicate Mr. Big's real agenda.

So they will likely make the move at the Dems convention in Chicago on August 19-22. Protests are planned outside the convention by those opposing the Dems endless war program, genocide in Palestine, and their disastrous economic and enviro policies. It will be interesting to see how the Chicago cops handle the protests. They don't want another Chicago 1968 Dem convention fiasco. But those running the show just might create one as a warning to the nation to sit down and stay quiet. Or your head might get busted too!

The convention switcheroo will not be 'democratic' and will not truly involve the party voters in the decision process. It will likely be done in the back rooms where the Dems 'super delegates' make the decision and then the apparatchiks job will be to go out and sell it to the media and the public at large. 

I think that most rank-and file Dems won't care about the process. They will just be relieved that they won't be stuck with the Biden albatross around their necks. Most of them don't really care much about democracy. They are more worried about their investment portfolios and re-sale value of their properties.

But the smell from this entire sordid process will linger and further make the 63% of eligible voters who have refused to vote in the last three American general elections even more convinced that it does little good to vote. They feel it is a rigged game. It's hard to argue with them either.

The talk about the 'great democracy' in the US has now gone the way of the family farm, black & white TV, peace with our neighbors, healthy food and clear skies.

Regional corporate oligarchs (New York, Boston, Washington, Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, etc) run this country now. 

Mr. Big doesn't care what the American voter wants. The oligarchs will install another president who does the bidding of the 1%.


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