
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What does the world think?


Israel is isolated now more than ever

The US-UK-Canada-Australia-Japan-South Korea and some EU nations are the lone holdouts.

Quite likely the zionists have undue influence in those few nations that still support the apartheid murderous state of Israel.

As things heat up (Israel is currently dropping white phosphorus bombs on civilian areas in Lebanon and itches for war with Hezbollah) the global rejection of the monstrous zionist state is growing.

Israel's economy is in trouble due to this war. The international BDS movement is growing daily and having robust impact on Tel Aviv's economy. 

Every day more Israeli's are fleeing their country. Many big investors world-wide are backing away from Israel.

The zionists representing the Israeli government in diplomatic positions around the globe are revealing to the world the arrogant and brutal views of their settler colonial out-of-control government. This reinforces to the global public just how dangerous Israel has become to peace.

Of course the US is no better. Both parties in Washington are on their knees in subservience to AIPAC and Israel's genocide campaign. Biden sends money and weapons but Netanyahu just demands more. It's never enough. Natanyahu and Zelensky are like Siamese twins.



The western-based corporate mafia knows their day in the sunshine is coming to an end. This is why they are ramping up tensions around the world using an ever expanding NATO as their hit men. They appear willing to trigger a world war that very well could go nuclear. Scott Ritter has an article about this very subject here. It's worth reading. 

I must say that this is the very worst time I've witnessed during my lifetime. I was crawling under my elementary school desk while living on a B-52 bomber base in South Dakota during the Cuban missile crisis. Numerous times during the Cold War I worried that we might see the end of the world. In particular was around 1983 when the US deployed nuclear Pershing II and cruise missiles throughout Europe aimed at the former Soviet Union.

But fortunately during those trying times cooler heads calmed the situation down. But today in Washington, London, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Tel Aviv all I see are fanatics and hot heads.

Our only salvation from this insanity will be if the people of the world (and particularly across the west) become even more engaged for true peace. 

We can't keep going on like this for much longer.


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