
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wales (UK) opposition to U.S. space warfare radar



In this month's Global Network Space Alert podcast Bruce Gagnon interviews Roy Jones about a US war fighting radar facility planned for his beautiful natural wondrous part of Wales in the UK.

The radar called DARC would help the US and UK monitor, track and attack satellites in space used by China and Russia. Currently the UK Air Force is practicing flying high into space where during time of war they could launch anti-satellite (ASAT) missiles from the planes to knock out 'enemy' satellites.

Local residents in Pembrokeshire are currently organizing to stop the planned facility with 27 radars. The US DARC program would also have similar radars in Texas and Australia giving the Space Force the capability to monitor all the skies above our Mother Earth.


On June 27 PARC Against DARC will have a public meeting to discuss the entire slate of problems from the planned radars including the health risks.

A senior Israeli radiation scientist, Dr. Michael Peleg, a man whose study on highly elevated cancer rates in the very young military personnel operating Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence radar system, stands right now as perhaps the world’s most cutting-edge and renowned study into the subject of military radar. 

Dr. Peleg of Technion (the Israeli Institute of Technology) has produced an outstanding video presentation for PARC Against DARC. The video will be presented at the public meeting on June 27th, 7 PM, in Solva Memorial Hall. He will give a vital, behind-the-scenes glimpse into exactly the facts the US—the architect of both the Iron Dome and DARC—refuses to open up for scrutiny by the public, by scientists, and by the medical community.

You can reach Pembrokeshire Against the Radar on Fazebook at

The PARC Against DARC website is here

You can also learn more about DARC in the video just below.


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