
Thursday, May 02, 2024

Hungarian-Syrian discussion on the conflict in the Middle East and a just peace


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Budapest, Tuesday, April 23, 2024 

Ambassador Bashar Samarah, Head of Syria’s Diplomatic Mission to Hungary, and Endre Simó, President of the Hungarian Peace Community, discussed the conflict in the Middle East and the development of Hungarian-Syrian interstate relations.

At the meeting held at the Syrian Embassy in Budapest, it was established that while the Hungarian government supports Israel against the Palestinians, Syria considers the Palestinian resistance against Israel, which is occupying the territory of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Hights and parts of Lebanon, to be legitimate.

Just and lasting peace can only be achieved if Israel withdraws from the occupied Arab territories to the lines of June 4, 1967, and an independent, self-governing Palestinian state can be established, in accordance with UN resolutions.

Ambassador Bashar Samarah said that Israel’s attacks and assassinations against his country are countless. Damascus showed restraint towards them and practiced utmost self control because it wanted to avoid the conflict in the Middle East from widening and turning into a war, and that Israel is turning the region into a barrel of gunpowder.

Parts of Syria are occupied not only by Israel, but also by the United States and Turkey, who are plundering the Syrian natural resources and the Syrian people are even more suffering from the sanctions and unilateral coersive measures imposed by the United States and its western allies.  

For more than 10 years Syria has been involved in the war on terrorism alone, while those who claim to fight terrorism are turning their backs to us. The Islamic Republic of Iran practiced its legal and legitimate right of self defence when it responded to the Israeli aggression agaisnt its consular premises in Damascus on April 1st  2024.

Endre Simó expressed his regret to the Syrian diplomat that the Hungarian government uncritically takes the side of Israel and considers the slaughter of more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza as Israel’s legitimate self-defense. The Peace Community condemns the terrorist attack committed by Hamas against the peaceful people of Israel on October 7 last year, and Israel’s response to it, the genocide in Gaza.

“With its unilateral pro-Israel policy, the Hungarian government is hindering the restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. The Hungarian government should pursue a policy of peace not only in relation to Ukraine, but also in relation to the Middle East,” said Endre Simó.

The Syrian ambassador and the president of the Hungarian Peace Community agreed that the solution to the current crisis in Gaza begins with an immediate ceasefire, dialogue, and the end of the Israeli occupation.

Ambassador Samarah and the president of the Hungarian Peace Community considered it necessary to boost and improve the interstate relations between Syria and Hungary in various areas of life, for the benefit of their peoples. Endre Simó drew the Hungarian government’s attention to the strategic importance of Syria in the region.

Edited by Magyar Békekör

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